Having access to my brother and sister’s record collection when I was a small boy meant that from the earliest age all I really wanted to do was be part of a band. To create and play music. Sean and I joined our first band at 17, it lasted 2 weeks but the experience was compelling! Over the next few years Sean and I joined or formed several bands (some quite terrible!), along the way we met Rog. When The Good Earth came together it became apparent to me that we had something special.
I remember vividly the joy of being told that a major label wanted to sign us as well as the disappointment when that all came to an end. So when I received the message years later asking did I want to re-start The Good Earth I jumped at the chance. The opportunity to once again work with a group of talented, creative and funny people was one that I couldn’t pass up. Completing the album we always wanted to make has been a dream come true.

My Journey first started when I was 6 years old. Realising quite early on that being a drummer was the path I wanted to take, and was always my focus. I am proud that I have managed to make a career in music. I got the opportunity in the early 90’s to audition and start working for The Good Earth. I have to say that I had a huge advantage knowing, and being friends with, 2 members of the band: Steve (keys) and Sean (guitar). When the project unfortunately came to an end I continued as a freelance professional drummer for the next 30 years.
Then out of the blue, during lockdown, I got an email from KLVN asking if I would be interested in getting involved with the band again. I can’t tell you how exciting that was, and how great it has been to work on this project again with my old friends. It has brought back some great memories and some real emotions. Although we may have dipped in and out of each other’s lives over the years, when we got back together the same passion for the song's, creative spark, flow and music was there. Being able to record my parts from my studio was a bonus through Covid, and I am immensely proud of what we, The Good Earth, have created and achieved. Working with the boys again is without a doubt a highlight: something I am proud to be a part of, and forever grateful.

After watching the Duran Duran tour documentary “Sing Blue Silver” as a kid, I thought “That’s the life I want”. Not necessarily for fame (ok, perhaps a little teenage fantasy): but mostly, to travel the world as part of a gang. And the fact people would be happy to see you when you showed up - an added plus!
I went to “Tower Music” in Blackpool (THE musical instrument store) and noticed all the ads on the wall were of bands looking for bass players. So that was my way in! For my joint Birthday and Christmas presents that year I got my first bass guitar and amplifier. The love of the instrument began...

Way way back I decided I wanted to be in a band! I have no recollection as to what was the drive behind this. Maybe it seemed a lot more exciting than laboring on building sites which was my bread and butter at the time? I had no connection with music within my social circle (weekends and beer were the driving force behind the week). One thing I did know was the idea of being in a band was strong. A friend at that time heard me sing, she was impressed. I confided my desire to be in a band! With her vote of confidence we visited local music shops and hunted through newspaper ads. Nothing in particular jumped out until we arrived at this one shop, there was a notice board with bands looking for musicians. Nothing appealed, but looking down we noticed one advert had become lodged behind the radiator. I picked it up, read it and called the number! Within 18 months of that call we had a record deal with a major label! From that point on music (loved it or loathed) has always directly or indirectly influenced my life at many levels! 30 years on I'm in awe to reconnect and to be part of what TGE is now! I would love people to come along and feel and enjoy this journey as it is now… with us.

During many marathon record listening sessions in Steve's basement room I decided I wanted to be part of making music in some way. Originally I wanted to be a drummer but this was quickly nipped in the bud with a categorical NO! from my parents who, quite rightly, were not willing to put up with what most likely would have been a barrage of noise. However, the urge to play music must have been strong because after hearing the beautiful singing tones of Carlos Santana I wanted to play guitar.
Fast forward a few years, and after several bands, Steve and I found ourselves with The Good Earth and musically this is where I was meant to be then and now. I cannot truthfully regard myself as a musician but what I can say is I am the guitarist in The Good Earth and I don’t need to be anywhere else.